Above the Bar Gymnastics Academy
Above the Bar Gymnastics Academy

Call about our Classes, Teams, Birthday Parties and Camps
Call about our Classes, Teams, Birthday Parties and Camps

9701 Atlee Commons Drive, Ashland, VA 23005
9701 Atlee Commons Drive, Ashland, VA 23005
Air Conditioned 18,000+SF facility !
Air Conditioned 18,000+SF facility !
(804) 553-4495
(804) 553-4495
We provide One Hour of fun in the gym for party participants, 30 minutes for your child and his or her friends to enjoy parent provided refreshments, and 15 minutes for clean-up.

Call to schedule Birthday Parties, or you may register online.
Click Events Calendar below to see available dates
and register online.

Click Here for Events Calendar
Click Here for Events Calendar
Available Saturdays at 2:30
One Hour in the Gym, 30 Minutes for Refreshments (Parent Provided)
and 15 Minutes for Clean-Up
$250 up to 15 kids, additional kids $10
$100 Deposit (non-refundable) Required at the time of Booking
Parties MUST be reserved at least 2 weeks in advance!
If you need to reserve within the 2 week deadline,
please contact the gym directly to see if there is availability.

Please call for details on attire, invitations, and waivers.
All child participants must have a waiver signed by the parents.
Please let your party guests know the following General Rules:
Shorts and t-shirt or leotard may be worn. NO SKIRTS, Buttons or Zippers
No socks or jewelry allowed on the gym floor.
Hair must be up, away from the face. Beads in the hair are discouraged as they are very uncomfortable when turning upside down or jumping.
Parents are not permitted on the gym floor during the party.
You must have specific permission from the manager on duty to take videos during the party.