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Above the Bar Gymnastics Academy
Above the Bar Gymnastics Academy

Call about our Classes, Teams, Birthday Parties and Camps
Call about our Classes, Teams, Birthday Parties and Camps

9701 Atlee Commons Drive, Ashland, VA 23005
9701 Atlee Commons Drive, Ashland, VA 23005
Air Conditioned 18,000+SF facility !
Air Conditioned 18,000+SF facility !
(804) 553-4495
(804) 553-4495
Above the Bar Families
Before Coming to the Gym
- When reenrolling after Covid, Parents will have to log on to the parent portal or app and sign the Updated waivers. Please read carefully, as we have made important changes with regard to Covid-19.
- We encourage you to use our App which has been a great help for "contactless" service.
- No one with a fever or who has been exposed to a Covid-19 Case in the last 14 days in permitted in the building.
Arrival Procedures
- If you have business with the front desk, we encourage you to call or email.
- Please limit the number of people you bring inside the gym; we prefer only one parent/guardian per family in the building. (No siblings or friends.)
- Everyone entering the building must wash their hands with soap and water. We have installed touchless faucets and soap dispensers in the bathrooms.
Athlete Considerations
- ALL athletes/students are required to wear a mask.
- Each athlete will bring their own bag into the gym for their belongings, water bottle (labeled), (For Team--a Gallon or Larger Ziplock bag for chalk, and a small water spray bottle if needed.)
- Personal Tissues and Hand sanitizer should also be kept in the bag. (Even though they are available in the gym.)
- No Snacks or Food are permitted in the gym.
- Athletes must maintain the required Social Distance throughout practice. Please discuss this with them before coming to practice/class.
- Only one family (or parent and a child) may use the restroom at a time and must wear a mask.
- All water fountains are closed, so you MUST bring your own water bottle. If you forget they are available for purchase at the front desk.
Leaving the Gym After Practice/Class
- At the end of practice, each gymnast should sanitize/wash their hands.
- Class kids will leave by the front door. Please be mindful of social distancing and others entering the building.
- Please be on time to pick-up your child, as we will be preparing the gym for the next group.
- Athletes will not be permitted to congregate after practice in the parking lot.
Coaches and Staff
- It is important that everyone comply with the directions given by Staff and Coaches.
- Coaches will be wearing masks during practice at this time.
- Coaches and Staff will be cleaning as needed between rotations, and after each group leaves.
- Coaches and Staff are fully vaccinated.
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